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1953-1956 : Voyages aux oasis d'Égypte, récits de voyage rédigés et illustrés par Louis RIVET
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Annales du Service des antiquités de l'Egypte, ASAE 18 - A VISIT TO SIWA by J. E. QUIBELL. Pag. 78-112
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C.Dalrymple Belgrave: Siwa - the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon
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George Alexander Hoskins 1864 : Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desert with an account ancient and modern of the oasis of Amun and the other oases now under the dominion of the pasha of Egypt
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Gerhard Rohlfs - Drei Monate in der libyschen Wüste 1875
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ASAE 18 - Quibell - A visit to Siwa
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Abraham Ortelius - Temple de Jupiter Ammon
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Arthur Silva White: From Sphinx to Oracle Through the Libyan Desert to the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon 1899
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Bayle St. John: Adventures In The Libyan Desert And The Oasis Of Jupiter Ammon 1849
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Browne, William George (1768-1813) Nouveau voyage dans la Haute et Basse Egypte en francais
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Dümichen, Johannes: Die Oasen der libyschen Wüste
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Edouard Cat: À travers le désert: Récit et carnet de voyages (French Edition)
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